Concentrations Course List

Tolkien Studies Course List

IDCourse NameDurationStart Date
LITD 5304Beowulf Through Tolkien12 WeeksAugust 29, 2022
LITA 5307Beyond Middle-earth12 WeeksJanuary 8, 2024
LNGA 5302Language Invention Through Tolkien12 WeeksJanuary 13, 2016
LITA 5302Lewis & Tolkien12 WeeksAugust 29, 2024
LITA 5317 Race, Gender, and the Other in Tolkien’s Middle-earth12 weeksJanuary 9, 2023
LITA 5305The Story of the Hobbit12 weeksAugust 30, 2021
LITC 5301Tolkien and Tradition12 WeeksApril 29, 2024
LITA 5314Tolkien in Context12 weeksMay 2, 2022
LITA 5311Tolkien’s Poetry12 WeeksMay 3, 2021
LITA 5312Tolkien’s Wars and Middle-earth12 weeksAugust 28, 2023
LITA 5306Tolkien’s World of Middle-earth12 WeeksJanuary 10, 2022
LITA 5318Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the Legendarium12 WeeksMay 1, 2023
LITA 5315The Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien12 weeksAugust 31, 2020

Imaginative Literature Course List

IDCourse NameDurationStart Date
LITC 5302C.S. Lewis and Mythologies of Love and Sex12 weeksAugust 26, 2019
LITE 5301Dark Academia12 weeksAugust 29, 2022
LITB 5303The Dystopian Tradition12 weeksMay 2, 2022
LITB 5311Exploring Star Trek12 weeksMay 10, 2021
LITB 5305The Gothic Tradition12 WeeksAugust 27, 2018
LITD 5307The Inklings and King Arthur12 WeeksMay 1, 2023
LITD 5306The Life and Times of the English Epic12 weeksAugust 30, 2021
LITB 5306Literary Copernicus: The Cosmic Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft12 WeeksAugust 28, 2023
LITB 5309Literature, Film, and Technoculture12 weeksJanuary 15, 2018
LITB 5310The Meaning of Star Wars12 weeksAugust 29, 2024
LITA 5304Modern Fantasy12 WeeksAugust 26, 2019
LITA 5313Modern Fantasy II12 WeeksJanuary 13, 2020
LITD 5308The Return of King Arthur12 weeksJanuary 10, 2022
LITB 5301Science Fiction Part I12 WeeksJanuary 10, 2022
LITB 5302Science Fiction, Part II12 WeeksAugust 27, 2018
LITB 5304Sherlock, Science and Ratiocination12 WeeksJanuary 11, 2021
LITA 5316Ursula K. Le Guin: Worldbuilder12 weeksApril 29, 2024

Germanic Philology Course List

IDCourse NameDurationStart Date
LNGC 5302Beowulf in Old English12 weeksAugust 29, 2024
LITD 5304Beowulf Through Tolkien12 weeksAugust 29, 2022
LITD 5301Chaucer I: Visions of Love12 WeeksJanuary 9, 2023
LITD 5302Chaucer II: The Canterbury Tales12 WeeksApril 29, 2024
LNGC 5311Eddic Poetry in Old Norse12 weeksAugust 28, 2023
LITC 5305Germanic Myths and Legends12 weeksMay 2, 2022
LNGC 5390Introduction to Germanic Philology I12 weeksAugust 29, 2022
LNGC 5391Introduction to Germanic Philology II12 weeksJanuary 13, 2020
LNGC 5301Introduction to Old English12 WeeksApril 29, 2024
LNGC 5310Introduction to Old Norse12 weeksMay 1, 2023
LNGC 5320Introduction to the Gothic Language12 weeksJanuary 8, 2024
LITC 5304Norse Myths and Sagas12 weeksJanuary 14, 2019
LNGC 5303Old Saxon: Heliand and Genesis12 weeksJanuary 10, 2022

Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Literature Course List

IDCourse NameDurationStart Date
LNGC 5302Beowulf in Old English12 weeksAugust 29, 2024
LITD 5304Beowulf Through Tolkien12 WeeksAugust 29, 2022
LITC 5302C.S. Lewis and Mythologies of Love and Sex12 weeksAugust 26, 2019
LITD 5301Chaucer I: Visions of Love12 WeeksJanuary 9, 2023
LITD 5302Chaucer II: The Canterbury Tales12 WeeksApril 29, 2024
LITC 5306Classical Myths and Legends12 weeksJanuary 8, 2024
LNGC 5311Eddic Poetry in Old Norse12 weeksAugust 28, 2023
LITC 5305Germanic Myths and Legends12 weeksMay 2, 2022
LITD 5307The Inklings and King Arthur12 weeksMay 1, 2023
LITD 5306The Life and Times of the English Epic12 weeksAugust 30, 2021
LITC 5304Norse Myths and Sagas12 weeksJanuary 14, 2019
LNGC 5303Old Saxon: Heliand and Genesis12 weeksJanuary 10, 2022
LITD 5308The Return of King Arthur12 weeksJanuary 10, 2022
LITD 5305Shakespeare and the Middle Ages12 WeeksAugust 29, 2022
LITC 5301Tolkien and Tradition12 weeksApril 29, 2024