After completing his PhD in Classical Studies at the University of Queensland and Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education at the Queensland University of Technology, Julian published the academic monograph Tertullian and the Unborn Child through Routledge, as well as several articles on classical mythology and rhetoric. A life-long devotee of fantasy, Julian also published the…
Sam Roche is a lover of East-Asian languages and cultures. Immediately after high school, he embarked on a journey to South Korea that stood as a foundation for later explorations. Since that time, he has lived in Korea, China, and Japan while working and studying their respective languages. He currently holds a B.A. in TESOL…
A Revisionist History of Sarah Monnier: From the Turkish National Opera to raising young musickers, Sarah Monnier has filled her life with joyful sound. She’s a voice performance artist, a composer of modern symphony, and has recently been offered a season as Guest Conductor of the Des Moines Philharmonic. Her publications include a new translation…
Jennie Starstuff spends a great deal of time thinking about how atoms that comprise you, her, and all the other life on this planet share a common origin in the interiors of long-forgotten stars. While studying Astronomy at the University of Virginia, she discovered that there are few joys to match that of connecting with…
Born and raised in New York City, Tom Hillman knew the romance of myth, history, language, and the sea. For Tom Middle-earth was an adventure he was meant to find. He has had the privilege to teach Greek and Latin, the good fortune to publish articles on Roman History, Greek Biography and Tolkien, and the…
Experience tutoring at the writing center at Washington College and as the Graduate Writing Assistant at St John’s College, Annapolis. Currently teaching at The Community School in Spokane, WA.
Shawn Gaffney holds Masters degrees in Linguistics (Boston College) and Egyptology (New York University) and last year completed a Masters in Language and Literature from Signum University. With considerable coursework in these three areas of academia, Shawn has explored many topics specific to the ancient world, such as contact between different cultures, magic, and language…
Robert Steed holds a PhD in History of Asian Religions (Chinese Religions) from the University of Iowa Department of Religious Studies. He is Professor of Humanities, East Asian Cultures and Religions, at Hawkeye Community College and a lecturer in Asian and World Religions at the University of Northern Iowa. His research and teaching interests extend to East…
Laurel Stevens is Director of Events and Mythmoot Coordinator and a SPACE Preceptor for Signum University in the realm of Dark Academia literature. Often found either reading something new or talking about reading something new, Laurel primarily works on Mythmoot, which is a year-long adventure in planning and contracts, and inspires colleagues in other areas…
Faith Acker first joined Signum in 2011, serving as a preceptor for the inaugural course “The Great Tales: Tolkien and the Epic.” She has precepted for several additional Tolkien courses as well as Latin I and II, and is co-lecturer for “Shakespeare and the Middle Ages” and sole designer of “The Life and Times of…