New Hampshire students can earn high school credits with Signum Academy Clubs
Great news! High school students in New Hampshire can earn credit toward their diploma by joining Signum Academy Clubs.
Through the Learn Everywhere initiative, NH students can earn high school credits through approved extracurricular programs. In January 2021, Signum Academy Clubs became the first language-arts program to be approved by the NH Department of Education.
What clubs are eligible for Learn Everywhere?
All four of our language and literature clubs are eligible for Learn Everywhere:
Learn Everywhere Info for Parents
The New Hampshire Learn Everywhere program was created to encourage students to engage in educational opportunities wherever they are — not just during the school day. This means that students can earn high school credits through approved extended-learning programs like Signum Academy Clubs.
To learn more about the Learn Everywhere program, visit the NH Dept. of Education Learn Everywhere page ≫
Are all students eligible for Learn Everywhere credit?
Students attending public high schools in New Hampshire can receive credit toward their diploma through Learn Everywhere programs like Signum Academy Clubs.
How many credits can a student transfer using Signum Academy Clubs credits?
According to the NH Department of Education, schools must allow students to earn up to 1/3 of their required graduation credits through the Learn Everywhere program. Some schools may allow students to earn more credits through Learn Everywhere.
For more information, see the NH Dept. of Ed.’s Learn Everywhere Fact Sheet
What classes can a student receive credit for with Signum Academy Clubs?
Below is a list of equivalent credits that students can earn through Signum Academy Clubs. Credit can be earned toward both beginner and advanced levels of the topics listed.
Book Club
- Ancient Mythology
- American Literature
- British Literature
- World Literature
- Fantasy Literature
- Science Fiction Literature
- Dystopian Literature
- Poetry
- Drama
- The Novel
Writing Club
- Creative Writing
Conversation Club
- Language Immersion 1 and 2
Translation Club
- Language Translation 1 and 2
How are students evaluated in Signum Academy Clubs? Will they receive grades?
Students who participate in Signum Academy Clubs will be assessed by their club instructors (also called preceptors). These assessments will be based primarily on the instructor’s observations of the student’s performance and participation during twice-weekly meetings.
Assessments will consider the four (4) outcomes listed with each club below:
Book Club
- Critical Reading
- Arguing From Evidence
- Drawing Conclusions
- Speaking and Listening
Writing Club
- Storytelling
- Building a Secondary World
- Revision Process
- Speaking and Listening
Conversation Club
- Aural Comprehension
- Conversational Speech
- Reading Comprehension
- Speaking and Listening
Translation Club
- Decoding Grammar
- Understanding Syntax
- Reading Comprehension
- Speaking and Listening
For each of the outcomes listed above, students will receive a number score on a scale of 1-4 based on their progress toward achieving the desired outcome. The numbers indicate the level of achievement they have reached based on the instructor’s evaluation:
- Level 1 (Beginning): The student is beginning the Learning Outcomes
- Level 2 (Approaching): The student is approaching the Learning Outcomes
- Level 3 (Meeting): The student is meeting the Learning Outcomes
- Level 4 (Exceeding): The student is exceeding the Learning Outcomes
Every month, the instructor will prepare a Progress Report for each student in the Learn Everywhere program that indicates their progress using the outcomes and scoring listed above. Students who receive a 3 or 4 will be considered to have achieved proficiency in that outcome. Once a student achieves proficiency in all four outcomes for a particular subject, they will receive a certificate indicating that they have achieved proficiency in the overall subject.
Are Signum Academy Clubs run by the New Hampshire Department of Education?
No. Signum Academy Clubs are operated by the faculty and staff of Signum University.
In order to participate in Learn Everywhere, Signum had to submit an application providing details about the program to the NH Board of Education. In January 2021, Signum Academy Clubs became the first language-arts program to receive approval from the NH Board of Education for the Learn Everywhere initiative. This approval will be reviewed on an annual basis.
How does my child receive graduation credit for taking a Signum Academy Club?
Once a student receives a certificate of completion through Signum Academy Clubs, they can submit the completed certificate to their high school to receive credit toward graduation.
For specific instructions on how to submit a certificate for credit, please contact your child’s guidance counselor or their high school administration.
What qualifications do Signum Academy Clubs teachers have?
All Signum Academy Clubs program instructors (preceptors) have the following minimum qualifications:
- A B.A. or equivalent with specialization in the language or literature they are instructing
- At least one year of demonstrated teaching experience
Most of our preceptors exceed these qualifications significantly.
In addition, all preceptors and support staff undergo a criminal history records check as outlined in Part Saf-C 5703 of the New Hampshire Administrative Code.
I have more questions. Whom can I contact?
For additional questions about Signum Academy Clubs and our participation in the Learn Everywhere program, email [email protected] or use our contact form.