Most Requested Resources!
- JSTOR and Project Muse journal databases: Signum faculty, staff, and students may log in through Goldberry.
- Open Access journals include: The Journal of Tolkien Research, Mythlore, and Mallorn! Find many more open access resources on our research guide.
- Signum Master’s Thesis Showcase (Contact [email protected] for current access)
- Mythmoot Proceedings through the years.
Vision & Mission Statements

Our vision is to be a trusted, leading-edge service at the heart of the Signum University learning experience of education that is accessible, dynamic and affordable.
Our library service promotes Signum University’s core values by providing access to scholarly information resources and by working with faculty, staff and students in the discovery, use, creation and management of information that supports research, teaching and learning.

Goals and Aims
- To provide a range of open access and restricted world class resources, through our Research Guides and the Open Access & Library Resources Guide, as well as through the Signum-Access resources through Goldberry.
- To promote Signum University as a portal for learning and research for all though the provision of open access resource guides focussing on literature and language.
- To enable all within the Signum Community access to resources provided by the library, by ensuring that all are available online without geographical or other restriction, such as digital rights management.
- To ensure that the Research Guides reflect the range of courses offered by the university, are kept up-to-date and are available for all to use, both within and outside our community, to support self-directed learning and research.
- To support the teaching and learning of Signum University by providing help and support to staff and students. This support can include library orientation presentations, and help to students on formulating their research questions, advice on research strategies and appropriate resources, as well as locating and providing access to specific materials.
- To provide access through the Digital Collections section to various materials created and collected by Signum University and its sister institution, the Mythgard Institute. These include Signum Graduate thesis theatres, abstracts and theses, as well as the proceedings of conferences organised by or associated with the university.
- To store and make accessible important documents relating to the university, with the intention of conserving a historical record of the university.
- To protect intellectual gain in an archival format. This will be by the creation and preservation of digital copies of material assessed to be academically important to the University and at risk for being lost.