Position/Title: Lecturer

  • Chris Vaccaro is gazing at us from in front of lots of books, papers, and filing cabinet drawers with a hint of wry amusement. He's a man of European descent with a dignified bald head and full dark beard. He's dressed in a button down shirt with light stripes and we suspect he is in his academic office in Burlington, Vermont.

    Christopher T. Vaccaro

    Christopher Vaccaro joined Signum University over the Summer 0f 2016. He is a Senior Lecturer of English at the University of Vermont, where he teaches courses on Beowulf, Old English language and literature, surveys of early British Literature, and Tolkien. He has been teaching online courses since 2002. Christopher has published essays on early medieval…

  • Carl Edlund Anderson has a full beard and sparkly blue eyes and European ancestry. He is outdoors, probably plotting the next treasure hunt or LARP for his child!

    Carl Edlund Anderson

    Carl Edlund Anderson holds an A.B. in Folklore & Mythology from Harvard College and a Ph.D. from the Faculty of English (Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic) at the University of Cambridge, with studies focused on Medieval and Pre-Medieval Scandinavia, as well as a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) from the British…

  • A Canadian man of European descent stands outdoors near a tree displaying autumnal russet leaves. His unruly dark sandy hair gives him a boyish air, despite the horn-rimmed glasses and groomed goatee.

    Brenton Dickieson

    Brenton Dickieson (PhD, University of Chester) is a teacher, writer, and researcher from Prince Edward Island. Brenton teaches in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Prince Edward Island and is a founding member of the Curiosity and Inquiry Research and Collaboration Lab (CIRCL). He is also a faculty coach, lecturer, and preceptor in…

  • Nelson Goering is probably hiking as this photo is being shot. He's got an excited, clear-eyed expression, he's wearing a warm hat and a blue parka, and we see scrub and rocks on a slope behind him. He looks like he's having the best time ever!

    Nelson Goering

    Dr. Nelson Goering hails from the Ocooch Mountains in Wisconsin, and holds a DPhil in Comparative Philology and General Linguistics from the University of Oxford. His research interests centre on the linguistics of the older Germanic and Indo-European languages, and he has a particular love for Old English, Old Norse, Gothic, and Avestan. His book…