Position/Title: Coach

  • Sharon's huge professional responsibilites and skills did not prepare us for a wide smile, flowing red hair, and hands tucked into blue-jeans pockets. She's clearly a roll-up-the-sleeves and let's get it done together type of woman. She's got European ancestry and cheery red cheeks. We suspect that this photo was taken in her beloved outdoors!

    Sharon Hoff

    Sharon serves as Signum’s Doorward, a rather rarified and yet suitably Tolkienian title for our general factotum. As the first point of contact for Signum, she helps direct traffic and does her best to get things done behind the scenes. You can expect a willing and helpful reply when you contact her. As part of…

  • Corey Olsen's snow white beard and glasses might hint at his serious academic standing... but there's no way to hide that grin of delight, discovery and adventure. He's clad in dark colors before a dark background, but his eyes are shining.

    Corey Olsen

    Dr. Corey Olsen is the President of Signum University and Mythgard Institute. In addition to teaching classes on J.R.R. Tolkien, Chaucer, and modern fantasy literature for Signum, Dr. Olsen has extended the concept of the digital classroom to include non-traditional outlets. Through the Mythgard Academy, he offers free weekly lectures on works of speculative fiction…

  • A Canadian man of European descent stands outdoors near a tree displaying autumnal russet leaves. His unruly dark sandy hair gives him a boyish air, despite the horn-rimmed glasses and groomed goatee.

    Brenton Dickieson

    Brenton Dickieson (PhD, University of Chester) is a teacher, writer, and researcher from Prince Edward Island. Brenton teaches in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Prince Edward Island and is a founding member of the Curiosity and Inquiry Research and Collaboration Lab (CIRCL). He is also a faculty coach, lecturer, and preceptor in…