Signum Eagle, Aug. 2014: Fall Classes

Autumn is still a month away, but fall classes at Signum University begin next week. To provide current and prospective students with a better idea of what they can expect after they enroll, this month the Eagle features exclusive interviews about each of the three courses being offered. The interviews were conducted by Mythgard students who previously attended lectures with each professor: Kelly Orazi saw Dr. Douglas A. Anderson’s guest lectures as part of the “Story of the Hobbit” class; Ryan Joy took the first iteration of Dr. Amy H. Sturgis’ “Science Fiction, Part I”; and Dan Kinney participated in Dr. Corey Olsen’s previous “Lewis & Tolkien” course. Classes begin August 25, 2014, and registration for all three Fall courses is open until Sept. 8.

In addition, the Eagle is expanding its coverage of Mythgardian writings and activities far and wide. This month: David Maddock, who spent part of his summer touring several European countries, offers some language insights from his trip; Andy Higgins contributes a review of the new festschrift honoring Signum University Professor Tom Shippey; and Brandon Young provides a look at Tolkien artist (and Mythmoot II special guest) Jef Murray. We also have some highlights from the Mid-Atlantic Mythgard Meetup (aka, “Mid-Moot”) and Mythcon 45.


Explore the “Roots of the Mountain” with Dr. Anderson, by Kelly Orazi

Go Back in Time with Dr. Sturgis’ “Science Fiction, Part I,” by Ryan Joy

Find Friendship in “Lewis & Tolkien” with Dr. Olsen, by Dan Kinney

My Secret Vice, by David A. Maddock

Book Review: Tolkien in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Tom Shippey, by Andrew Higgins

Mid-Moot: The Mid-Atlantic Mythgard Meetup, with April Neal Kluever, Sørina Higgins, Sara Legard contributing

Mustering Mythgardians at Mythcon, by Katherine Sas

An Evening with Jef “The Wizard” Murray, excerpts from an interview with Brandon Young

News & Announcements

Signumites Around the Web

The following stories have been created by Signum University students, faculty and staff in the last month.

Shared Stories

These articles and blog posts have been shared by Signumites on social media. Join us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and Google+ for more.

Dates of Note

  • Now – Fall class registration open
  • Now – Mythmoot III early registration open
  • 8/20 – Mythgard Academy: Dune Class 4
  • 8/27 – Mythgard Academy: Dune Class 5
  • 8/25 – Fall classes begin
  • 8/31 – Mythmoot III early bird registration ends
  • 8/31 – Mythmoot III paper proposals due
  • 9/1 – Mythmoot III standard registration opens
  • 9/3 – Mythgard Academy: Dune Class 6
  • 9/8 – Last day to register for Fall classes
  • 9/10 – Mythgard Academy: Dune Class 7


Articles appearing in the Signum Eagle are written by students, staff and faculty of Signum University and the Mythgard Institute.

Editor: Curtis A. Weyant