Katherine Sas earned her B.A. in English Literature from Messiah College and her M.A. in Language & Literature from Signum University, specializing in Imaginative Literature. Her master’s thesis focused on Doctor Who and the fairy tale tradition. Kat currently works in communications at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and as Signum’s Graduate Course Coordinator.
Kat has published essays in More Doctor Who and Philosophy, Harry Potter for Nerds II, and Mythlore, presented papers at Mythmoot and the C. S. Lewis and Inklings Society Conference, and participated in several Signum panels on film and TV. She blogs about imaginative storytelling in all mediums at ravingsanity. With fellow Mythgardian Curtis Weyant she co-hosted a weekly podcast on sci-fi and fantasy TV (Kat and Curt’s TV Re-view) and spearheaded the Mythgard Movie Club.