Read and translate the major works of Old Saxon literature in this language seminar.
This course will introduce students to the basics of the Gothic language and grammar and set the language within its historical and literary context.
The first half of this course provides a focus on Old Icelandic grammar, and the second half allows students to begin reading from a selection of Old Icelandic prose and poetic texts.
This course provides an introduction to Old English grammar, giving students a working reading competency in the language and the chance to put that knowledge into practice.
This class provides an introduction to Germanic comparative philology in a broad sense. Students are not expected to have prior familiarity with any language other than modern English.
This class offers a survey of the older Germanic languages (especially Gothic, Old Norse, and Old English), and the literatures written in those languages.
This course focuses on reading selections from this poetic literature in Old Norse, providing students with the opportunity practice their skills in translating the Old Norse language.
This intensive, seminar-style class will give students an opportunity to practice translating the Old English language and to become intimately familiar with the Beowulf text.