Our library contains mostly digital resources to support the study of language and literature that are the core of the courses offered by Signum and Mythgard Academy: fantasy and science fiction literature, philology and language study.
Research Guides have been carefully curated by our team of librarians to help you find the best quality open access academic information on the internet.
Use the Library to sign in to JSTOR and Project Muse with your Signum email account as well, and enjoy access to thousands of peer-reviewed academic journals.

The Collaboratory is the publishing branch of the Signum University family tree.
As an inventive, flexible new publisher, The Collaboratory aligns with the University’s mission of exceptional, accessible, and affordable scholarship. Through experimentation with dynamic modern technologies, state-of-the-art delivery mechanisms, and a commitment to the long heritage of editorial excellence, The Collaboratory will offer a rich catalog of engaging works in a variety of media and formats.
The Collaboratory supports academic and creative work in written and audiovisual media in every stage of development. Collaboratory users can act as beta readers to young projects; meet with favorite authors in Creators’ Circles for glimpses of and discussions about current and upcoming work; and become the fan base of their favorite works in our circulating library, ultimately recommending works for traditional, public offering.

Thesis Archive: stay tuned for details to come shortly. We have exciting things in store for our graduate student thesis and capstone projects but we’re not ready to share them yet.