Position/Title: Signum SPACE Support Coordinator

  • Jen Gosselin's eyes sparkle with absolute joy. She's got a windbreaker on in a vibrant green, her short-cropped hair is a deep chestnut color, and her smile is broader than all of Canada. One is even moved to bet that she's got a flock of fabulous children, known as the Goslings, who keep her moving, happy, and focused. Seriously, when I look at Jen's photo, I feel a wave of energy and kindness.

    Jenny Gosselin

    Jenny Gosselin is a member of the SPACE Team, assisting in communications, module planning and data analysis. Jenny Gosselin received her Bachelors of Nursing degree from Brandon University, is a Registered Nurse and has over 10 years of nursing experience in the general, geriatric, and emergency departments. She lives in Saskatchewan, Canada, with her husband…