Hugo Award 2021: Best Novel Roundtable

Date & Time




If the answer is always reading good Science Fiction and fantasy, then the question must always be “How can I best spend my time and escape the normal confines of our day?”

Join us at 6pm Eastern on December 18th for our non-affiliated Hugo Awards evening, when a panel of Science-fiction and Fantasy readers will each talk about one of the shortlisted titles in the Best Novel category of the 2021 Hugo Awards!

Each reviewer will take five minutes to introduce their novel and talk about what they liked or didn’t like about it. We will then open up for a wider discussion, taking questions and comments from the audience.

The audience will then vote on which novel they most want to read, and which they think should win the prestigious Best Novel Hugo Award. The actual winner will be announced at DisCon III, shortly after our event!

It will be a journey of discovery, exploration, mind expansion and just plain good fun.


About the Hugo Award

The Hugo Award is an annual literary award for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year, given at the World Science Fiction Convention and chosen by its members. It was first delivered in 1953.

Join us on December 18, 6pm ET for a roundtable discussion on the Best Novel nominees for the 2021 Hugo Awards.