Thesis Semester III: Thesis Revision and Presentation (Language & Literature)

Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided as an overview. The course outline, readings, and assignments may be subject to change in the final syllabus as determined by the lecturer and/or preceptors.

In the third and final thesis semester, students will complete a full draft of their theses, then spend several weeks refining the text based upon feedback from their Director and second reader. Once the text is both corrected and polished to a satisfactory degree, the student will revise the topics and themes within the written thesis for a broader audience in the oral thesis theater.

Prerequisite: LITZ 6391: Thesis Development

Schedule and Assignments

Full Draft (Week 2)

Students will produce an initial draft of their entire thesis by Week 2 of the course and submit it to their Director, who will read it and return it with comments in a timely fashion.

First Revision (Week 6)

Students will revise their thesis, following their Director’s recommendations, and submit a second draft by week 6 to both the Director and the secondary reader. The Director and the secondary reader will read it and return it with comments again.

Final Revision (Week 10-12)

Students will complete final revisions and submit the final, polished version of the thesis to the Director for final assessment.

Thesis Theater (Week 12-13)

After the Thesis has been completed, students will be invited to participate in a Thesis Theater, a conversation about the student’s thesis. These chats are no cost and open to the public, presented using audio and video in Signum’s classroom interface, and they will be recorded, archived, and made publicly available. The thesis will then be sent to the Librarian for archiving.

Thesis Revision and Presentation

This is the third of three semesters devoted to the final thesis in the graduate program in Language & Literature.


DURATION: 12 Weeks

ID: LITZ 6392